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2007-10-11 9:47:28  作者:海洋之恋
  Introduction (介绍)

Purpose (目的) This document describes the process that is to be used for requesting and managing changes to work products created or maintained by the members of . This process will facilitate communication about requested changes among the stakeholders of , provide a common process for resolving requested changes and reported problems, and reduce the uncertainty around the existence, state, and outcome of a change that has been requested in a work product.


Scope (范围) Any stakeholder of can submit the following types of issues to the change control system:
  · requests for requirements changes (additions, deletions, modifications, deferrals) in software currently under development
  · reports of problems in current production or beta test systems
  · requests for enhancements in current production systems
  · requests for new development projectsThis change control process applies to baselined work products created or managed by the members of the , including:
  · software that has been released to production or is in beta test
  · requirements specifications for
  · group procedures and processes
  · user and technical documentationThe following work product classes are exempted from this change control process:
  · work products that are still under development, except for requirements changes requested in new projects
  · interim or temporary work products created during the course of a project
  · any work products intended for individual use only

  ·在软件处于开发阶段的需求变更请求 (添加, 删除, 修改, 延期)
  ·新开发项目的变更请求该变更控制过程应用于由<项目>成员创建或管理的已基线化的工件, 包括:
  ·正在开发的工件, 不包括在新项目中提出的需求变更

Definitions (定义) Term (术语) Definition (定义)Issue (变更请求) An item that someone has submitted to the change control system that describes a software problem, a requested enhancement, a proposed change in requirements for a product under development, or a new project being proposed.


Stakeholder (涉众) Someone who is affected by or who can influence the project.所有会受到项目结果影响或可以影响项目结果的人。

Roles and Responsibilities (角色和职责)

Role (角色)
Description (描述)
CCB Chair
Chairperson of the change control board; has final decision-making authority if the CCB does not reach agreement; asks someone to be the Evaluator for each change request and asks someone to be the Modifier for each approved change request变更控制委员会主席,在变更控制委员会成员意见不一致时有最终决定权,并对每个变更请求安排评估人以及对每个批准的变更请求安排修改人。
Change Control Board
The group that decides to approve or reject proposed changes for a specific project决定批准或拒绝特定项目中提出的变更请求的团队
Evaluator (评估人) The person whom the CCB Chair asks to analyze the impact of a proposed change由变更控制委员会主席指定对已提出变更的影响进行分析的人员。
Modifier (修改人) The person who is assigned responsibility for making changes in a work product in response to an approved change request; updates the status of the request over time负责在一个工件中实现已被批准的变更请求,并随时更新变更请求状态的人员。
Originator (发起人) The person who submits a new change request提交新的变更请求的人员。
Project Manager
The person who is responsible for overall planning and tracking of the development project activities负责整个项目开发的计划并跟踪项目开发活动的人员。
Verifier (验证人) The person who determines whether a change was made correctly负责判断变更是否被正确执行的人员。

Change Request Status(变更请求状态)

Status Changes(变更状态) A requested change will pass through several possible statuses during its life. These statuses, and the criteria for moving from one status to another, are depicted in the state-transition diagram in Figure 1 and described in the Possible Statuses table.


Notifications(通知) Any time an issue status is changed, the change control tool will send an e-mail notification automatically to the issue Originator, the issue Modifier, and/or the CCB Chair, as specified below.


Possible Statuses(可能的状态)
Status(状态) Meaning(含义)
Approved(已批准) The CCB decided to implement the request and allocated it to a specific future build or product release. The CCB Chair has assigned a Modifier.变更控制委员会决定接受此变更并分配其在某个特定版本中执行。 变更控制委员会主席指派给一个修改人。
Canceled(已取消) The Originator or someone else decided to cancel an approved change.发起人或其他相关人员决定取消已批准的变更。
Change Made(实施变更) The Modifier has completed implementing the requested change.修改人完成变更。
Closed(结束) The change made has been verified (if required), the modified work products have been installed, and the request is now completed.实施的变更已被验证(如果需要),完成修改的工件已经被安装,此刻需求变更完成。
Evaluated(已评估) The Evaluator has performed an impact analysis of the request.评估人已经进行了需求变更的影响分析。
Rejected(已拒绝) The CCB decided not to implement the requested change.变更控制委员会决定不作变更。
Submitted(已提交) The Originator has submitted a new issue to the change control system.发起人向变更控制系统提交一个新的变更请求。
Verified(已验证) The Verifier has confirmed that the modifications in affected work products were made correctly.验证人已确认修改在所有受影响的工件中被正确实施。

   Figure 1. State-Transition Diagram for Issue Statuses.(图1,变更请求状态转换图)





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