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2006/7/12 11:26:47 |  9065次阅读 |  来源:网友转载   【已有0条评论】发表评论

e can be taught the basic skills that a PM needs, but project management is more than a collection of tools and techniques. It is an art, not a science, and in order to put their own style into their management a PM needs a certain degree of organizational and emotional maturity as well as superior soft skills.

This is recognized throughout the world, across multiple industries--people need to evolve into project management. Why then is it that so many organizations think that the evolution stops with project managers, that the career stops there? While it is good for the ego to think of the PM as the top of the food chain, it is clearly not the case. So why do organizations not continue down the path that they have started?

From project management to?
First off, let me say that there are plenty of opportunities for project managers to have successful careers within project management, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There will always be multi-year, huge dollar initiatives that can give the PM the kind of challenge that few will ever experience, but these are the exceptions.

What happens to the 99 percent of PMs who will never have those opportunities? Some will move into PMO leadership and related disciplines--project control, audit, etc. Others will contribute to project management methodology and process. However, many will either resign themselves to remain as project managers long after the thrill has passed (often on a contract basis) or will drift away from the profession entirely.

A project is a wonderful thing--it is a business in microcosm. Today, organizations are proudly claiming to be project based businesses, effectively saying that they are a collection of projects that together form the collective company. By extension, the





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