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2006/7/3 18:03:11 |  26253次阅读 |  来源:网友转载   【已有0条评论】发表评论

e, MR Robotics entered into fixed-price agreements with suppliers. However, in one case of ingenuity at work, SPDM engineers suggested MR Robotics develop its own space-qualified camera design in parallel with a struggling supplier. MD Robotics management agreed, and a new project was launched. The cameras turned into a good business opportunity on their own, as the firm won major contracts for more than $13 million.

To ensure the highest engineering and quality standards were maintained throughout the contract, a dedicated subcontracts management team was assigned to each vendor. With smaller vendors, a team was responsible for more than one subcontract.

The Upshot

The project team completed its acceptance review with CSA on 14 and 15 November 2001, with only a minimal number of remaining actions to close, such as minor software fixes. However, a $ 50 plastic part deep in the arm joint failed, forcing MD Robotics to replace the part in all 21 joints and perform a partial re-test. “No project manager goes by without meeting ‘Mr. Murphy,’ and we did too,” Abramovici says.

All in all, MD Robotics met the schedule and budget, and the customer was satisfied. Currently, the robot is undergoing end-to-end testing to ensure that it will interface with software and integrate with International Space Station systems. “I think delivery of this project has given us an edge over other companies – we’re able to bid contracts in different light,” Woodland says. “It was very important to do this project and do it well. It had given us confidence in being able to bid on similar projects more aggressively and knowing that we can accomplish what we set out to do.”

Today, the firm continues to reap rewards from its introspection. “In most of our new projects, the associate





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