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2006/7/3 18:03:11 |  26301次阅读 |  来源:网友转载   【已有0条评论】发表评论

program managers have been prompted to director positions with our company,” Abramovici says. “We’re now leading new programs, and we’re applying our soft skills lessons learned. It has made a big difference. We moved into small, fast and quick programs. Our portfolio has dramatically increased and, mostly, that’s because we’ve shown we can do it.”

Small Decisions, Big Rewards

Soft skills-driven management choices enabled the project to stay on track:

l The SPDM was grouped into smaller subproject teams, and these smaller teams were co-located in an open, wall-less office environment. Staff got the message that the team was equal, management was accessible and that project success relied on open and immediate communications. Storage cabinets grouped and capped with tabletop surfaces acted as impromptu drawing review areas. Meeting rooms were built surrounding the team area.

l Employees were involved from the project baseline brainstorming, engineering problem resolution and change management through initiation, review and risk resolution. Because management avoided “interfering,” second-guessing or top-down decisions, the team responded with increased owner ship and responsibility.

l Project and team performance appraisals – and the resulting bonuses and raises – were linked to the overall program goals as well as performance. Management promoted achievements through awards and recognition and by allowing employees, rather that managers, to lead customer presentations, VIP visits or television interviews.

The Art of Management

A firm, fixed-price budget focused the project team. The following project management practices made this teamwork possible:

Project Plan and Project Baseline. No arbitrary cuts we





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