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2008-12-22 10:09:20  作者:佚名
Rule #53: Contractors tend to size up the government counterparts and staff their part of the project accordingly. If they think yours are clunkers, they will take their poorer people to put on your project.
53. 承包商们总是在和政府的对应部门和人员进行比较。如果他们认为你们的人都不够资格,他们会在你的项目上安排较差的人来对付你。

Rule #54: There is only one solution to a weak project manager in industry- get rid of him fast. The main job of a project manager in industry is to keep the customer happy. Make sure the one working with you knows that it is not flattery but on-schedule, on-cost, and a good product that makes you happy.
54. 对待行业中差劲的项目经理只有一个办法――尽快免职。项目经理的主要工作就是让客户开心。一定要让和你共同工作的人知道,这不是奉承,而是应有的,预算内的,并且正是让你高兴的结果。

Engineers and Scientists

Rule #55: Over-engineering is common. Engineers like puzzles and mazes. Try to make them keep their designs simple.
55. 过量工程学是常见的。工程师们喜欢难题和迷宫。要让他们保持简洁的设计。

Rule #56: The first sign of trouble comes from the schedule or the cost curve. Engineers are the last to know they are in trouble. Engineers are born optimists.

Rule #57: The project has many resources within itself. There probably are five or ten system engineers considering all the contractors and instrument developers. This is a powerful resource that can be used to attack problems.

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