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2011/4/10 9:52:22 |  15963次阅读 |  来源:   【已有11条评论】发表评论


I was very much upset and thought that my manager was insanity, stuffy, out of date and he was not understanding others. He just could not trust me and beat me down- to me, who is such a good employee who is loyal, cautious, conscientious and working very hard without complaint!


We, at that moment, had a real international project. PM, mostly, needed to be tough enough to push the project forward and confirm with each department for the tasks they are assigned to. This, as a result, made my manager not very happy with me. What was even worse, he asked me to go to his office and yelled at me to change the office with him. He said: collecting your stuff and move to my office and I can work in your office as PM and sometimes, he said that I was the informal leader here. By doing so, he made me re-affirm my feeling about him- insanity, stuffy, out of date, not understand others. On the contrary to this, he made me feel even more frustrated and made me feel that all my loyalty and hard working were ignored by my manager, I almost planned to leave this job and seek other opportunities as the increasingly unhappy feeling. Hence, I started being de-motivated and did not speak up anymore even I saw the potential risk and I just let my manager make mistake. Thus, I got more japes to laugh at him, etc

当时在做中国工程第一个真正意义上的国际项目,有很多时候项目经理需要比较强势的去确认是否各个部门的成员都做好了相关的工作,这又触动了领导那根紧张的弦。领导甚至还有一次将笔者叫到其办公室气氛而激动的说:“收拾你的东西换办公室,你到我的办公室,我到你的办公室。” 越发的让笔者觉得这个领导真的是愚昧、古板、落后、不理解人,越发的觉得自己的忠诚和敬业被领导抹杀得一干二净,也就越发的沮丧。甚至有了想离开的心,所以,也开始有消极怠工的迹象,对于可能的潜在问题也就不再提出,任由领导去犯错误,而这就给了





网友评论【 发表评论 11条 】
  • 2011/4/20 9:17:25 来自:广东省深圳市 电信


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